Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Today in our sectional meeting we talked about "vision." I believe that vision is the responsibility of the leader. The vision must be crystal clear. If it is at all foggy to the leader, it will be unreadable from those trying to follow it. The vision must be simple and easy to repeat. That means it must be short enough to fit on a t-shirt and roll off the tongue. The vision must also be compelling. If it is not a vision worth following, then seek God for the right one. The vision has to be a solution to a problem and there has to be a reason why it must be done now. If people can feel the weight of the vision, they are more apt to jump on board. Then finally, I think people want to know, what part that they can play. If they can't see how they can add value in accomplishing this vision, they will be very reluctant to jump in. So leader... are you casting a clear, simple and compelling vision? I'm continually working on mine!

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