Monday, June 30, 2008
Good weekend
I had a great weekend with my family in Canton Ohio. We stayed at my parents house with both my brothers. The guys snuck out and went golfing on Saturday morning. Needless to say, we got our money's worth and laughed alot. That night Keri & I went to my 15th year High School reunion, left early and went on a date. I walked away realizing how my life is very different because Jesus is in it. The next morning, I got to play some music with my Papaw, Dad and family as well as preach at my Dad's church. It is always good to be with my family. I had several people share about how they were inspired just watching our big family interact. God has truly blessed me beyond measure. I pray that when my kids grow up, we all have the same great relationships, that I have with my brothers and parents.

I believe that the Bible and my prayer time are my "meat and potatoes" spiritually. They are my main nutrients for my life with Jesus. Apart from my meals, I also eat snacks, usually constantly. Physically, I have learned that my snacks can either counter my meals or compliment them. I can eat 3 healthy meals daily, but if I eat a ton of junk in-between meals, I defeat the purpose. Lately, I have been snacking on good stuff spiritually. The books and Cd's that I am snacking from, are leading me deeper into the Word and into prayer. I truly believe that we are what we eat, and this pertains spiritually as well. So, what are you snacking on?
Saturday, June 28, 2008
our bond
This morning I went golfing with my dad and 2 brothers at 7:30am. It was great to be with my family. There is a certain bond there, that can't be put into words. My dad cultivated those things into our lives as young boys, and now we all reap the benefits. We all have the same symbol tattoed on our back shoulder, that someday my sons will have after their "rite of passage." A symbols that reminds us of who we are, and the love that exists between us. In the words we repeat when we leave each other, "Brother to Brother, Yours in Life and Death."
Friday, June 27, 2008
weekend away
Today I am taking my day off as well as the weekend off. Both my brothers are coming in from out of state for the weekend. I'm speaking at my DAD's church Sunday morning and night as well as playing some good ole southern gospel/bluegrass music. Also, my 15yr High School reunion is Saturday. Wow...15's really starting to sink in. Anyway, I find that when I go away for a little bit, I always come back more refreshed. It's also good to know that C3 is in good hands with the amazing staff that we have. So, I'm going for an easy run with my Keri who is training for the "Faster than the Pastor 5k."
Thursday, June 26, 2008
big storm
Last night we had a big storm move through Columbus. The tornado sirens were blaring and the news guys were saying, go to the basement! My wife was rather strongly encouraging get the kids into the basement. Personally, I would have slept through the whole thing. I did comply and moved the kids downstairs, while they were still sleeping. It is always better to be over prepared. We were ready for the worst, "just in case." In life, I want to try to think through scenarios to be the most prepared that I can. I will be honest, this is a change for me and normal for my wife Keri.
- Our church property was crazy flooded and the water literally was surrounding C3 within 8 - 10ft at some points.
- Our church property was crazy flooded and the water literally was surrounding C3 within 8 - 10ft at some points.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Last night I watched "Kingdom of Heaven." I'm a huge Braveheart, Gladiator type movie fan. It may sound crazy, but those kind of movies, move me to seeking God's face. In the flick there is a peasant who becomes a knight. Amongst all the corruption of power, he hold true to doing what is right no matter what. He was bound to serving his King and walking in character and integrity. So much so, that even his enemies respected him for who he was. This morning I read in Romans 6:22, where we have been freed from sin and are now slaves to God. I want to be bound as a slave to my King and serve Him with utmost integrity. I read a quote once that said, "poverty will test you, but power will ruthlessly examine you." Either way, I commit to giving my all.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Today in our sectional meeting we talked about "vision." I believe that vision is the responsibility of the leader. The vision must be crystal clear. If it is at all foggy to the leader, it will be unreadable from those trying to follow it. The vision must be simple and easy to repeat. That means it must be short enough to fit on a t-shirt and roll off the tongue. The vision must also be compelling. If it is not a vision worth following, then seek God for the right one. The vision has to be a solution to a problem and there has to be a reason why it must be done now. If people can feel the weight of the vision, they are more apt to jump on board. Then finally, I think people want to know, what part that they can play. If they can't see how they can add value in accomplishing this vision, they will be very reluctant to jump in. So leader... are you casting a clear, simple and compelling vision? I'm continually working on mine!
Monday, June 23, 2008
I learned today while reading, that the word "apostle" was borrowed from the Romans who ruled the Jews of Jesus day. "Apostles," were Roman generals who were specifically charged with reforming the culture of the nations they conquered. So they would go in and teach the conquered nations the rules, traditions and customs of the Romans. The Romans understood that unless they changed the culture, there would be no lasting change.
I'm leaving this one open for your thoughts.
I'm leaving this one open for your thoughts.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Finding my rhythm

We all have rhythm's that we need to learn to flow with. I have learned the rhythm of how my body recovers when it comes to my running and the proper rest I need. I am learning now that I can speak 5 weeks in a row before I start to lose my effectiveness. I really feel that if I speak 6 weeks in a row, my creativity, passion and energy seems to wain. I'm not sure if others can sense it, but I definitely feel it. I then have to push a lot harder to make it happen. Life is all about balance and rhythm and when we learn ours, we can be more effective. Are you in rhythm?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
How does that happen?
Ok, so today I go to cash in my $50 gift certificate at a running store I won a couple of weeks ago, but can't find anything I really NEED for under $50. So my Keri, while in the van had asked for me to check on some arch supports for her shoes. Long story short, she ends up coming in, I end up watching the kids in the van and she buys the insoles and new gym bag on my gift certificate! I walk away with a triathlon sticker, a power bar and .85cents. How did that happen? Truthfully, I have everything I really need to run and I love my wife....alot.
PS - Ran another 5k today and finished 5th. All the big boys came out for this one. I did run a PR (personal record) for the past couple of years with a 17:46. I also limped.... I mean walked away with a $75 dollar gift certificate to another running store........But believe me when I say, Keri will not be with me when I go to spend that one. Ha
PS - Ran another 5k today and finished 5th. All the big boys came out for this one. I did run a PR (personal record) for the past couple of years with a 17:46. I also limped.... I mean walked away with a $75 dollar gift certificate to another running store........But believe me when I say, Keri will not be with me when I go to spend that one. Ha
Friday, June 20, 2008
time wasters

Paul Meyer said, "Time is usually wasted in the same way every day." Ouch! At C3, we have trying to be better managers of our time. Between email, phone calls, internet and little emergencies, there is a lot of time that is wasted. I am working on identifying what my time wasters are, and then making some changes. Are you a good steward with your time?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Yesterday after work, my whole family was in the back yard playing baseball, swinging on swings and just being together. My little girl said "Daddy, come and see our tree," and then she turned and ran as fast as she could to the other side of our big yard. Just watching that little girl run with a smile on her face, brought me joy. I am the richest man in the world! God has blessed me with what really matters. My relationship with Him, my beautiful family, health and having my needs met. I have a dream in my heart for C3 and what it could be and will be. God you are so good to me.
Next time you are feeling stressed out or depressed, begin to thank God for what He has given are better off than you think.
Next time you are feeling stressed out or depressed, begin to thank God for what He has given are better off than you think.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
another dent
Early this morning I was running at a park and got another DENT in my car while parked in the lot. I'm not sure how I feel about that, seeing my car is starting to look like someone took a baseball bat to it. It's almost like since I have so many dents and scratches, so what's the point of even washing it.
I have talked with a few people who feel the same way about their lives or addictions. They say, "Since I have messed up so many other times, what's the use of even trying anymore?" That kind of thinking gets us nowhere in a hurry. They begin in this downward spiral until they hit rock bottom. If that is you, just know there is always hope through Jesus Christ. It's not always an easy road, but it is possible.
I have talked with a few people who feel the same way about their lives or addictions. They say, "Since I have messed up so many other times, what's the use of even trying anymore?" That kind of thinking gets us nowhere in a hurry. They begin in this downward spiral until they hit rock bottom. If that is you, just know there is always hope through Jesus Christ. It's not always an easy road, but it is possible.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I have seen it time and time again. 2 different people can look at the exact same thing and see it completely different. We have filters in our lives that we run every problem or opportunity through. Things like our attitude, walk with God, skill level, pain tolerance, our past, present, future, etc. So, if I become more, I will see more. What do you see?
I have seen it time and time again. 2 different people can look at the exact same thing and see it completely different. We have filters in our lives that we run every problem or opportunity through. Things like our attitude, walk with God, skill level, pain tolerance, our past, present, future, etc. So, if I become more, I will see more. What do you see?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
great illustration
Sunday, I spoke on how "Fathers hold the key," and how they are the gatekeepers for their children and home. On Saturday morning, I'm up at 4:30am eating breakfast and checking my gear to go run that duathlon, when someone is knocking on my back deck sliding glass door. Adrenaline immediately starts pumping through my veins and this rougher looking guy is looking at me through the glass, smoking a cigarette and saying "let me in." I told him he was not coming in. He says "we need to talk, open the door." He finally says "let me talk to Emily." I assure him there is no one here by that name and he shows me the address on a piece of paper. He is about 3 streets off. He says, "sorry" and then walks off. There was no way on God's green earth I was letting that guy in my home. In the same way as a father, I hold the key to protecting my children and family. I can choose to close doors of hurt and open doors of healing.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
leadership and discipleship
Today, I won a sprint duathlon which included a 3.1 mile run then a 22 mile bike and finished with another 3.1 mile run. It was the first time I rode my new bike in any race but last years "Ironman." Wow, what a difference, I dropped 7 minutes, which is huge! Can you say TROPHY!
OK back to the topic, at C3 we have now hit our summer season. Instead of kicking back, we are going to kick it up. Our focus will be leadership and discipleship. So when the fall hits, we have leaders ready to lead and our community groups ready to rock. I'm excited to see where we end up, this time next year. Only God knows!
OK back to the topic, at C3 we have now hit our summer season. Instead of kicking back, we are going to kick it up. Our focus will be leadership and discipleship. So when the fall hits, we have leaders ready to lead and our community groups ready to rock. I'm excited to see where we end up, this time next year. Only God knows!
Friday, June 13, 2008
"You can tell a man is clever by his answers, but you can tell a man is wise by his questions." I want to be a collector of great questions. Great questions can be the thing that cuts through the fog and brings clarity to a situation. Gary asked me yesterday, "what is the question that still needs answered in your mind, in order to bring clarity?" Many times when I am learning from something or someone, I am not just looking for answers, but the right questions that I should be asking.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I was reading Mark Batterson's blog and I love this quote from him, "I honestly don't think God will grow us beyond our ability to disciple people. And if small groups are our primary context for discipleship, then the number of small groups we have will determine our growth potential as a church." That hit me in the face, hard. I have thought similar thoughts before of why should God give us growth if we have no plan in place to disciple them? We must have steps and a process in place to help people move in their spiritual development. Discipleship is no doubt one of the hardest things we do as a church. My heart is to move discipleship from something we "do," to something we "are." It has to come natural, and not seem forced or awkward. It has to become the foundational lifeblood our our church and our reason for existence.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Yesterday, I met with a mentor at a hotel for the "complimentary" breakfast. I was planning on paying for my meal since I didn't stay there, but I spaced it and walked out. I was leaving the area and remembered and stopped back in to pay it. The look on the ladies face behind the counter was priceless. She said "the world needs more people like you in it," and I didn't even have to pay for it. So, our integrity is not only for us, but for others. What would you do, if you knew you would never be caught? Who are you when you are 1,000 miles from home? Be a person of integrity. It takes years to build up, and can be lost in a moment.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
my first meeting
Today, I survived my first presbyter meeting. There are some neat people around that table that all lead in different ways. Each one contributes to the overall health of the District. This is how the "body of Christ" is supposed to work. Everyone playing their part. I think it is interesting to, how we change roles at times. Sometimes, I am the leader and other times the follower. The key is that whatever part God has called us to play, that we play it with our whole heart. How many different roles do you play?
Monday, June 9, 2008
your story
Today, I was on a panel of pastors interviewing new ministers wanting to be credentialed. Personally, I love hearing about other peoples stories. Some were from tragedy to triumph, but all were still in the process of writing theirs. I am still in the process of writing mine, as you are in the process of writing yours. How do we want our stories to end? What accounts of our lives do we want to share someday with our grand kids? Our story, is ours to write. I want to make mine an adventure and not a boring novel!
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Today, we started a series called "doors." We talked about the doors of temptation and the main point was, "temptation never delivers what it promises." We had the chance to pray with several who are battling temptation.
Tomorrow, I go to my first meeting at the District Office as the Presbyter of the Central Section. I get to interview the new ministers trying to get their credentials. I still remember when I went and sat before a board for my credentials. I was a little nervous and can still tell you what ministers were there. I want to do my best to be an encouragement to these ministers.........after they sweat a little bit...ha.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
another 5k
Today, I got up early to run the Violet Township Bicentennial 5k. It was a smaller race that I managed to win and get a $50 gift certificate to a running store, a free months membership to a local gym and a big trophy. All this for a $20 entry fee. The only bummer of the race was that they had no mile markers. So I had no idea how fast or slow I was running because I had no way to measure it. The same is true in life. If we can't measure our growth, learning or movement, how can we know we are heading in the right direction. That is why we must have measurable goals in our life that are reviewed on a regular basis. I am in the process of sitting down with our staff and coming up with measurable 3 month goals for them professionally and a personal growth plan for them personally.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
life on life

Tonight, we had our final Community Group meeting as a cookout in our backyard. It has been awesome to journey with 3 other couples for close to a year. It has been neat to grow closer together as friends and with our relationships to Jesus Christ. I whole heartedly believe in life on life discipleship. It was Christ's model, and that of the early church. We all need love, support and accountability which comes when we place ourselves in a life giving community of believers.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
One of our goals at C3 church is to be a positive influence in our community. Today, I met with the city planner and another official to discuss where we could give some money back to the city. September 6th, C3 will host the "Faster than the Pastor Community 5k." All proceeds will help create safe travel routes for kids in Pickerington by installing some needed sidewalks near our schools. The city planner said, "I wish we had more churches like 3C, (I couldn't bring myself to correct him) "you guys are always giving back to this community." Then he said, "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask, and I mean big or small." Let's just say, I left there smiling, for that is truly our heart. We want to be so "infused" in this community that if our church were to some reason relocate, that they would miss us.
Sam Chand says"If we ask "what" questions, we only get information, but if we ask "why" questions, we get principles for understanding."
It is a huge mistake to take something another church did and implement it exactly like they did without asking "why" they did it. Every church and working environment has so many variables and chemistry mixes. What worked at one, could completely blow a part the other. The key is to capitalize on the reason they did it that way, and what it accomplished for them. Then it can be adapted to fit or thrown out.
It is a huge mistake to take something another church did and implement it exactly like they did without asking "why" they did it. Every church and working environment has so many variables and chemistry mixes. What worked at one, could completely blow a part the other. The key is to capitalize on the reason they did it that way, and what it accomplished for them. Then it can be adapted to fit or thrown out.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I made a tough decision the other day. It was to keep "Bonny," my 1998 Bonneville. I was crushed to learn that a little fender bender was enough to TOTAL her. This car has run amazingly well and is paid off. Not being able to afford a car payment and for sentimental reasons, I have decided to keep driving this car. I do get a check for $3700 from the insurance. But that does not cover all the miles and experiences that we have shared together. I have listened to teachings and have wept in the presence of God in that car. We have traveled to the four corners of Ohio. I have taken naps, changed clothes and eaten hundreds of meals in that chair, in that car. Anyway, if anyone knows of a sweet deal for $3,000 just let me know and she is off to the junkyard.......ha.
guard your words
Today, I was in a conversation with someone that I had talked about unknowingly, with them as part of the conversation. (I hope that makes sense) Anyway, a couple weeks later they brought this conversation back up and said that they were "that" person. They said they were able to see my heart through what I said, and what I didn't say. I am glad to say that it ended in my favor, because I didn't bash but rather spoke out of love. This really got me thinking about all the conversations I have. If I wouldn't say it to their face, I shouldn't say it at all. Have you ever "accidentally" called someone on your cell phone unknowingly, and then wondered what you had said while they were listening? Personally, I want to guard my words better. Who have you talked about today, and was it positive?
Monday, June 2, 2008
A worthy cause
Day off today..stained the deck,weed eating, softball game and took the family to the gym.
Tonight, I was checking some email and came across a couple from people who are new to C3. The emails were incredibly encouraging! They were individuals whose lives are being changed because of our teams obedience to God's Will. I want to never forget why I'm doing what I'm doing and who I am. I am a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and my life will be spent sharing Jesus with as many people as a can. As a church, this is our purpose and our mission.
So, don't forget who you are and what you are on this planet to do.
Tonight, I was checking some email and came across a couple from people who are new to C3. The emails were incredibly encouraging! They were individuals whose lives are being changed because of our teams obedience to God's Will. I want to never forget why I'm doing what I'm doing and who I am. I am a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and my life will be spent sharing Jesus with as many people as a can. As a church, this is our purpose and our mission.
So, don't forget who you are and what you are on this planet to do.
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