Friday, January 18, 2008


I just read on how communist government leaders are setting up "fake" underground churches to catch Christians in North Korea. They then take them and throw them into work camps where many starve to death and die. Not only them, but on several occasions have taken their children and parents as well because of their faith. Or in the Indian state of Orissa, the week after Christmas, Hindu's burned 14 Christian churches and killed one Christian. When I hear of this, several questions go flying through my mind. One of which is, to what point would I stand up for the person of Jesus Christ and His Gospel that I preach? Would I lay down my life, or even harder the lives of my kids for HIs name? Where do I draw the line? I hope it would be death, but can I really know without being faced with it? Talking with my Keri last night wondering if our children will live in an era in the US, where there is outright persecution for those who followed Christ. We must continually pray for our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted world wide.

1 comment:

dearabby said...

It's exactly these types of persecution and oppression that the Lord calls us to when he says, "do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God". Thanks for being a voice to bring that to the forefront. For a little reassurance about the work to stop injustice, check out Gary Haugen's book - The Good News About Injustice.