Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Ministers Retreat

Just got back from a ministers retreat today. It is always good to get away, see old friends and get a fresh perspective. Mark Rutland of Southeastern University spoke. Our staff bailed out after lunch and hit a coffee shop and hashed out details on upcoming stuff. It's amazing how many details there are. But we are truly loving the journey together. Tonight, I'm going to the City Council meeting to kick it off with prayer. Right now I'm planning on standing on the table with my hands in the air and calling down the fire. JK.


dearabby said...

How did that work out? :-P Your humor is such a blessing.. PS Totally awesome that they asked for prayer.

Konan Stephens said...

It was great! I got to meet the mayor personally and talk with several officials pre meeting. They were excited about the opportunity for C3 to work with them on some more future community projects. PS - I did pray...but not standing on the table.
PSS - we miss you