Friday, January 4, 2008

15 degrees

This morning I went on an 7-8 mile run with a couple of buddies from my church. These jokers run outside everyday, while I only brave the winters cold to race or an occasional run with them. Personally, I love the treadmill with ESPN every morning at the "heated" gym. To get up, knowing how cold it is for a run, is either all about discipline and desire....or stupidity....I'm still trying to figure out which one. Life is all about decisions that lead us somewhere. If I would have chose to sleep in today (like yesterday) it wouldn't have hurt me. If I continued to make that choice for a month, then the change in me would not be one that is favorable. I would be growing out.....which is the wrong direction. Truly, we either pay now, or pay later. With our exercise, diet, personal growth, etc. Personally, I want to "pay" and put the work in now, with my personal development, investment in my family, church, etc, so that when I am older (I want to be healthy till 90yrs) I can enjoy life and give away what I have spent a lifetime gathering. (ie. wisdom, encouragement, mentoring, money...if i ever have any)

1 comment:

Dave Kidd said...

Good Word
I can't say I can relate to the "running" part, but I can sure relate to the "money" part.