Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gahanna Christian Academy

This morning I got the privilege to speak to a couple hundred 6th - 12th grade students at an assembly for Gahanna Christian Academy. I talked about being "NUMB." Numbness is due to a lack of our blood flow, which is our life source. We are numb when we stay in 1 place too long, are out in the cold too long or experience some kind of trauma. All these things tie in to our spiritual lives as well. I believe it is very easy for us to grow numb spiritually. This usually happens when we lose focus on God and others, and begin to focus on ourselves. We are numb when we no longer care about those who don't know Christ or when church becomes more about something else than about Jesus. OK, I'm done preaching. I'm heading back their tomorrow morning as well, so pray for me and the students.

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