Tuesday, August 26, 2008

clarify the win

Today we had some good discussion in our Central Sectional Pastors meeting. We are going through the book "7 Practices of Effective Ministry," by Andy Stanley. We only got through the first chapter which challenges you to "Clarify the Win." When we play baseball, we know that we score by touching home plate. So everything the team does, is designed to get as many of their players as possible to touch home plate, while at the same time keeping the opposing team from doing so as well. In the church, many times we have no clue what the real "win" is. So everyone is doing what they think is the win, all the while we are spinning our wheels in ineffectiveness. What if the "win" for every service and meeting that we had, had a purpose and a "win." What if every leader that serves on our team knew exactly what the "win" is for them and how it fits in to the bigger picture? We could probably change the world! We had a good staff meeting today as we once again had to "clarify the win" in some areas. It is a continual process that takes work, but keeps us closer to effectiveness and efficiency.

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