Tuesday, August 12, 2008

do it right....the first time

Driving today in Alabama, I saw an advertisement that said, "We'll repair what your husband fixed." I had to laugh, because that is so me. I am a recovering, "I think this could work!" kind of guy. Personally, I have always been one to work hard, but work fast as well. Sometimes my drive to get done quickly overshadows my aim to do the best quality. I still have to fight that as well as doing it as cheaply as possible. I will do whatever it takes to save money, but I have learned that you usually get what you pay for. As well as when I have to go back and make repairs, it always costs me so much more. I am learning more and more what my limitations are, and I'm striving to not be "that husband."


Dave Kidd said...

Whoa, Scary, your dad and I were just talking about that in the truck today. Something about you and shingles cut too short on a roof...

Nightshade said...

In the IT world and probably life in general there is a saying that you have three choices on how you can do something: Cheap, Fast or Excellent. The catch is you can only have two at the same time. Choose wisely.