It was a tough decision for the panel of judges to decide who would be getting the book. After much deliberation...(especially since Gary voted for almost everyone) here is what we came up with and why.
- Chris - We have really no good reason why you should not get the book..but...NO.
- Dave Kidd - You are a blessed guy and are already receiving a free book, and even though you didn't ask....I have to say No.
- Dave McPeek - You were the only one Gary "did not" vote for, because he doesn't know you, but I assured him you were a great guy...but still it was a NO.
- Derek - We think your wanting to give it to a friend is a scam...(HA..JK)...but NO.
- Karen - Mother of Amy who wanted the book for her daughter, great heart, but No. (Inside scoop...shhhhhhh... she is getting this book for her B-day from a staff member at C3, but you didn't hear it from me)
- Pastor Josh - Gary said he does not take lightly to those who try to "brown nose" and play the political game, soooooo No.
- Holly - You rock, but to ship it to Oregon would cost me too much in it's a No.
- So the winner is ......drum role....SISTER V!!! The book will be delivered in person to your husband at the upcoming "Forum" A/G ministers conference.
Thanks to all who participated and if you didn't win, sorry about your luck. Did I mention I won a cookie today at Subway!