Wednesday, March 12, 2008

God is love

I'm reading, "Soul Cravings", by Erwin Mcmannus for some of my personal devo's and he had some good thoughts this morning. He said, "If God is love, then the people closest to God, should love people the most." Wow! That is so true. I love statements that cause me to look deep into myself. Do I see people as a "bother" while driving, or waiting in line? Or do I see a soul who longs to know a loving creator?
Another line was, "the safest place for a sinful person to go, is to God." The example was used of the woman caught in the act of adultery and brought to Jesus. To which He says "He who has no sin, cast the first stone."
I had to ask, is C3 Church a safe place for a sinful person to go? If Jesus forgives like this, why do we many times bring condemnation? Is it because we can feel better about the junk in our lives, if we can keep the attention on the junk in others lives? Confronting sin in a believer or a Christian in leadership is one thing, but to condemn a person who is far away from God for being far away from God, is never going to lead them to a loving Saviour. I just want to show His real love, and I'm a work in progress.

1 comment:

dearabby said...

Wow! Good stuff! Pray that all is well. Abby