Tuesday, March 25, 2008

central sectional meeting

This morning we met at C3 Church for our Central Sectional Meeting. I spoke and talked about "Excuses from a Sr. Pastor."
Here it is in a nutshell:
- "You Deserve What You Tolerate"
1. We Have No Leaders! -
* Do we just expect them to appear out of thin air?
* Do we expect some other church to train them and send them to us?
- Iron Sharpens Iron - As the Pastor, I am developing 10 potential leaders for a 4 month leadership program, from which to draw.
- All Leaders mtng - We meet once a month and give those wanting a serve an opportunity to be trained with the leader in charge of serving opportunities.
- Spotting potential, and recruiting

2. Our People Aren't Growing Spiritually! -
* Sunday mornings alone aren't growing our people.
- Creating a focused discipleship process
* Connect Grow Serve
* Transitions in between each

3. We Don't Have Any Money!
* You reap what you sow
* Abundance mentality vs. Scarcity mentality
- Took offerings and gave them away to other new church plants
- Give away a portion of our fundraising money to the community
- Did a 3 month "Tithing Challenge" money back guaratnee...no questions asked


Dave Kidd said...

Our Budddy Cornell would say...


Konan Stephens said...

I can hear him saying it now. ha