Thursday, February 14, 2008

outside the box

It's funny how we all want to think of ourselves as "outside the box." Really though, we may be outside of someone else's box, but we are still inside ours. I think the box that each of us have chosen to live in, is one that we have made for ourselves. The side walls are "FEAR" and the lid and bottom are our "COMFORT ZONE." The only way we live bigger is to push out the walls, ceilings and floor. We can't get out of our box, but we can make it bigger. The bigger it is, the more we can do for Christ. So, what are your fears and comfort zones that hinder you from making your box bigger. I try to ask myself those questions all the time. When I come up with the answers, I try to run at them full force.


dearabby said...

What an AWESOME post! WOW!... Thanks for blessing me today.

Dave Kidd said...

I have always felt like there wasn't a box that I would fit into. Reading this I realized that it is my own box that is shaped funny. I wonder, though, you've covered fear as the walls and our comfort zone as the lid and bottom. Maybe our gifting is that part of us that continues to grow and creates that inner - conflict when our box needs to expand. We may interpret it as fear. Lid and bottom? Maybe that is our personality and temperament. It's difficult to step out beyond those characteristics. II Corinthians 4:7 talks about our treasure in a jar of clay - maybe it's really a treasure in a box.

Ackk, I'm getting too philosophical and burning my daily allotment of brain cells - and I have an exam later so...