Friday, February 22, 2008


I always seem to be fighting busyness, and the feeling of running in the continual state of hurriedness. Even as a small child, when bedtime would approach, my parents would say it's time for bed and I would reply, "I can't, me busy." John Ortberg said, "Hurried people cannot love." I have the tendency to be doing so much, that times I feel I can miss the beauty of life, while traveling through it to fast. Life is not a destination, but a process. A process of which I want to keep the main things, the main things. So I am forced to slow down. That may mean organizing my personal life better, so I can take in and love the more important things. I will continue to fight against it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that reminds me of a time when... Oh crud, gotta run