Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New small group model

It's working.....but we are only halfway there! This week we launched a new model of small groups that I haven't seen anywhere else. We have several groups in homes and 3 big groups that meet at C3. Last night we had, 33 at our "marriage" group. We had the chairs in the sanctuary in circles of 8. People came in, grabbed some food and sat down. We did a small ice breaker and then showed a 15 min teaching video. Then the groups began their discussions. The groups will remain the same until this 6 session (12 weeks) is over. The goal then, is that they launch from the church, into one of their homes. This gives us an easy place for anyone to jump in at anytime. They show up and we fill the next group till full (12 max). So these 3 nights at the church are the funnel to plug people in a group at anytime, even during a current session. Last night was our 2nd meeting and it went great. The first was a big game night to establish relationships. Then the next session people automatically link up with people they felt like they connected with. It's working so far. I'll keep you posted.


Amanda Valantine said...

sounds great!! what are the other two groups that meet at the church beside the "marriage" group??

Matt Valantine said...

are you thinking 6 families per group, or does 12 total include children?

Konan Stephens said...

Right now at the church we have marriage, finances and a bible study. We supply and pay for childcare from the church. We max them out at no more than 6 couples or individuals. Our Community Groups last the length of the school year. We encourage everyone to stay in that group for that length of time. After they get in a group at the church, they then as a group decide their next topic as they head into a home.