Monday, September 29, 2008

the day off

My day off started at 5am ish, as I geared up for my first bow hunt of the season. I'm in the woods an hour and arrowed a nice doe. Stephens family fact: we only eat deer meat when eating at home. Keri knows how to fix it right. It's cheaper, healthier and it's something I enjoy doing. I then hit the gym and was home for lunch with the family. Today, I'm standing in the backyard with my Keri, as we watched our kids playing. I looked at her and said, "This is it, we are living some of the best years of our lives, right now." I really strive to live my life as full and rich as possible. I owe it all to Jesus Christ who is my everything. I honestly could not see living life without Him. I am blessed beyond measure.

1 comment:

Nightshade said...

So we should be expecting PETA to be picketing on Sunday at C3?