Friday, September 26, 2008

de sire

First, I have to say I had a great time at Bethel Temple in Parma on Wed night, for their See You At The Pole rally. The YP Dave Shores did a great job putting the whole thing together, and we saw between 20 - 30 students respond for salvation. Also we got to rock out with Decipher Down.
ADD, switch gears - From my study this morning (Bill Johnson's, "The Supernatural Power of a Trasformed Mind"), I learned about "desire." The word is made up of DE meaning "of" and SIRE meaning "the Father." So desire by nature is of the Father. Also, that desires come from what we commune with. Personally, I want to walk close enough to Jesus that my desires fit into His Will for my life and the world around me. God gives us this big idea of "On earth as it is in heaven." This gives us some room for our desires, ideas and creativity. Really, when you think about it, we don't dream independent of HIM, but because of HIM. Thoughts?

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