Friday, September 5, 2008

my grandmother's funeral

Today, we loaded up the van with the kids and drove 2 hours to Canton Ohio for my Grandmothers funeral. There were times of tears and times of joy. I walked away with a couple of thoughts:
- Even if we begged my Nana to come back from heaven, I'm sure she would not trade it for anything.
- She died with an unshakable peace and faith.....she gave me a great example of finishing strong.
- Why does it take something like a family member passing to bring our whole family and friends together at one time, in one place?
- At a funeral, you begin to understand the power and influence of one life.
- My Nana's investment in me, will continue to live on.
- I realized that my absolute most important thing in this life, is that my family makes it to heaven.

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