Wednesday, January 10, 2007

your view

Tozer said "The most important thing about you, is what comes to your mind when you think about God."
That is profound! I mean think about how everything we see and do stems from our view of God. From the way we treat others, to the view we have of ourselves. I know personally, my view of God continues to change. It's like, the closer I get to God the bigger I realize He is, and the more of His love I begin to comprehend. The human species is so small in every way, compared to God, the supreme being of the universe. He is limitless with no boundaries, which is too hard for us to even fathom because "He always was". So I'm constantly refining my finite mind to see God in a more clearer light. It is truly a lifelong journey. So, what is your view of God? Remember, the way you see EVERYTHING ELSE is determined by it.

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