Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Spirit led

Today, I'm driving back to the church after lunch and the thought just comes in my head to stop at GFS to grab some church supplies. So I go in, and at the checkout see a lady whom I have talked to in the past. She asks about the church and somehow the conversation comes to the point that I am the pastor. She can't believe that I am a pastor. I also told her that I speak in jeans and a cup of coffee in my hand. I can tell that she was intrigued because she asked about classes for her 2yr old. She says she is coming. But the point is, my conversation with God afterward was..."Lord, did you put the thought in my head to stop there, or was it the Chipotle Burrito that jarred my memory. I mean there are times where I feel YOU impressing me to do or say something, but this time I felt nothing. Or did You (God) just use me where I was at the time. Either way, I was used to plant a seed in a ladies heart who needs Jesus. I am learning that truly being led by the Spirit of God, means anywhere, anytime and anyplace, God can and will use the available vessel.

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