Thursday, February 26, 2009

the right questions

It has been cool to go from community group to community group to cast vision, share details and answer questions about our new building. There is an excitement as our church grows and lives change. We have gotten some great feedback and ideas on how to maximize space and make the most of every square foot. The key is asking the right questions. Questions like, how will a guest feel when they walk in? What will this building say to those we are trying to reach? What is the wise decision 3 years from now? What obstacles do you foresee with this design and how can we fix it? I have learned if you ask the wrong question, you get the wrong answers. But, if you can ask the right questions, you will get you the right answers? What questions are you asking?

1 comment:

Dave Kidd said...

right now? What am I going to have for lunch? ;)