Tuesday, February 10, 2009

God's Will

Listening to a podcast this morning from Andy Stanley on the Will of God. He talked about how we think something may be God's Will, even when it's not. This happens when an opportunity lines up with our prayers and passions. That is a tough combination to say "NO" to. I remember when I felt God moving me on from a past ministry and I had a couple really amazing opportunities that I could have fooled myself into saying it's God. Of course deep down, I knew and my Keri knew that it wasn't right. Andy used the example of when David was hiding in a cave because King Saul was trying to kill him. Saul goes into "relieve himself" (yes it's in the Bible) and David who is in line to be the "rightful" king has a chance to speed things up and kill Saul. David's warriors are telling him, "God has delivered Saul into your hands," but David does what is right. Everything seemed to line up for David.....except for this line in the Bible that says it's against the law to kill the king. Besides, was that a story worthy of telling your grand-kids of how you took the throne! In God's time, it all played out.

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