Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Focus is the key to greatness! Tiger Woods, Micheal Phelps, Lebron James all do one thing incredibly well. They don't play several sports....only one....and they are the best in the world at them (sorry Kobe Bryant). A life coach of mine once told me that my greatest hindrance in life and leadership would be that I am good at many things. (I didn't know whether he was complimenting me or setting me up, of which it turned out to be the latter.) He said, you have to FOCUS on 1 or 2, and set out to be the best in those areas. He challenged me to let some things go.
That was a very hard lesson that I am seeing come true. The things I used to be good at, as I grow and the church grows, are now being exposed as "not so good." I must allow others who are more gifted in those areas, lead in those areas, while I narrow my focus on the few things I can be the best at. It is not easy, but it is necessary. So how is your focus?


Dave Kidd said...

So true, man! That's a lesson that I am still learning. As far as ministry - counseling and marriages are still a primary focus for me.

Great to hear how well the "Man-Up" challenge went. Awesome!

Scott Smith said...

Good thoughts here. Tim Elmore from Growing Leaders uses the imagery of Floods and Rivers. A flood is very widespread, no clear direction and can often be very destructive. Rivers on the other hand, are narrow, focused, and can be very useful to people. This image has been very helpful in making me aware that the more I get involved in things, the shallower I become, I have less time and focus, and the more destructive I can become to myself and my ministry!