Friday, February 16, 2007

pain threshold

I think it was CS Lewis who had a quoted saying how pain was life's megaphone, and I think he is right. Pain shapes us in so many ways. With my ironman triathlon aspirations, I add smaller amounts daily to prepare for the great amount on race day. With my role as a pastor and leader my pain threshold is the limitation for how far C3 will go. My pain threshold must continually go up, if this church is to grow. Decisions must be made that will be pivital to growth or decline. We all have a pain threshold but don't realize many times when we have hit it. Whether it is allowing something to continue that should be ended, or dealing with someone on a tough issues. When this is the case, the vision takes a back seat to the pain we fear. In order to increase our pain threshold, our vision must be bigger than our pain. It is so easy to lose the big picture in the tyranny of the urgent and we try to bypass the pain in order feel better now. In doing so, we void God's vision because of our low pain threshold. Where is your current pain threshold? Is it limiting you from doing the right thing?

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