Friday, March 23, 2007


Today I worshipped God, but not in a way that you would expect. This morning oldest headed off to kindergarten and my Keri took Kali to the doctor while I stayed home with my 3 year old boy Kross for a couple of hours. I find that I usually don't get to spend that much time with only one kid seeing we have 3, so this was a special occasion. We played "daddy monster", nintendo, army men, indoor paintball (no real guns of course) and had a blast. That little guy had his dad's FULL attention. Usually during this morning time I am in the sanctuary of C3 praying and worshipping God. But then I felt God say, "this is your act of worship". When I'm loving my family, I'm fulfilling my role as a godly father (or at least doing my best) this is my act of worship. The Bible says in Colossians 3:17, "Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord." What daily times of worship have you overlooked or taken for granted?

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