Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Can you be trusted?

Reading a book last night that got me thinking about trust. My question was, can God trust me? And if so, how much can He trust me with. Once, when growing up, I lied to my dad and what he said after that killed me. He said, "Buddy, I won't be able to trust you until you prove through time that you are trustworthy." This hurt me bad, and was an incredible lesson. I think many times we ask God for certain things. Usually, we don't as for bad things, but good things. But the real question is, can God trust you? Honestly, right now I couldn't trust my kids with a big bag of candy. They couldn't eat just one! The whole bag would be gone and then they would be sick. (This has already happened) So I guess I will trust God that he knows me better than I know myself and sometimes protects me by not giving me what I want. But in the meantime, I will do all I can to be trustworthy to my heavenly father.

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