Thursday, December 27, 2007

leaders are readers

I had a mentor say to me once,"If you don't read, I'm not sure that you have anything to tell me from the pulpit." That has stuck with me over the years. Currently, I read 2 books a month and several podcasts as well. This helps me to continually have a constant stream of ideas and new thoughts. This helps keeps me fresh. Another quote, I heard from a guy named Tim Sanders rocked me when he said, "I read because I love." The point being that the more I read, the more valuable I make myself to invest in others. You may not be able to be "well traveled," but you have no excuse not to be "well read." ---Just that fact that you are reading this, means you're on the right track.


Dave Kidd said...

I read, therefore I... um...

Konan Stephens said... are what you read