Thursday, September 13, 2007

running low

This morning my mom asked me to move her car so my Keri could get her van out. But her car wouldn't start because she was so low on gas and sitting on a hill. So I sputtered, stalled and restarted all the way to the gas station and filled up. I began thinking that many Christians are kind of like that. They continually run on empty and are barely hanging on until they get to church and get fed, but it is not quite enough. Or perhaps it is our other gauges like, our emotional, mental or physical tanks. Whatever the case, we must constantly learn how to read our gauges. We are all wired different. Personally, there are times when I will tell my Keri that I am red lining in a certain area. She then knows that it won't take much to start an argument and she helps me until I can refuel....and vice versa. But the key is knowing when you are running low and what measures need to be taken to fill up. What are your gauges reading?

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