Friday, September 14, 2007


I showed up today at Mattoon Beach Illinois for my Ironman, along with my lovely wife Keri and my dad. I stepped up to the shore and as I peered out over the water at those bouys.......Wow, do they look far. I threw on my wetsuit and went for a swim and then jumped on my bike and cruised down an old country road lined with corn. I suddenly have this sense that the 8 months of training, dedication and sacrifice are now about to be put to the test. The Ironman Triathlon is a 140.6 mile race that can never be handed to someone, but it must be earned. It is no respecter of persons and will test all who attempt it. 20% of all who have trained and attempt They receive the dreaded "DNF" (did not finish). Personally, I love challenges that push me to my limits of mental and physical capabilities. I feel ready! I have done all the work and my personal test begins tomorrow morning at 6:45am. I have waited for this day for 8 months and have dreamed of it for close to a lifetime. My opportunity is here, and to that I say................ BRING IT!


Unknown said...

I am very proud of you my friend. Your dedication is an inspiration. I believe in you!

chilly said...


Konan Stephens said...

thanks fellas!