This morning I'm on the treadmill at the gym, my ipod rocking a great message, watching ESPN and getting my workout in. I'm on the 2nd floor looking over the gym when I see some woman acting frantic. There was a mouse running throughout the gym! It's amazing how such a little creature can cause such a big stir. I found out it was first spotted by a lady showering in the locker room! Ha! Anyway, they did catch and release the little critter out back and everything returned to normal.
Think about the fact that a tiny defenseless litte creature, could strike fear and panic in the hearts and minds of so many. When you break it all down, that mouse only had the power it was given by the person. That mouse had no power on it's own, but only what that person gave it in their own mind. This is so true in life. Many people are bound by fear that really doesn't exist....especially IN CHRIST! So what are you fearing and why have you given that person/place/thing power over you?