Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I just gotta give my 2 cents on the President Bush incident, of having shoes thrown at him. So here it is: The United States and President Bush gave that reporter the right to throw his shoes. Can you imagine what would have happened to that man just a few short years ago in that country, had he thrown his shoes at anyone in a position of authority? Yes, you guessed it, he would have been quickly executed. That is one of the crazy things about freedom. It allows those who are all over the spectrum to have a voice, even those who disagree. So the next time you hear those who are trying to remove Christ from our nation, just remember that it is because we are a Christian nation, that they even have the right to have a voice. OK....I'm done....have a great day and a merry CHRISTmas.


Nightshade said...

Hurt people hurt people. Real pain can cause people to react in rather unexpected and often unpleasant manners towards people that may have little to do with the reason for their pain. Throwing shoes at the guy that is responsible for returning your country to the community of nations is not the best means of expressing gratitude. The most powerful man in the world exhibiting class in the face of disrespect: priceless.

brent salyers said...

Why a shoe you ask? because it's a symbol for the lowest part of them, it's the part that touches dirt and any other "stuff" laying around.... Thanks for asking...

Uncle Cal said...

I agree with Pastor Konan on his comment. We gave this man the freedom to protest, but I’m not so sure about the freedom to throw a shoe and our nation's leader. A free nation still has laws. At least this freedom is allowing him to have a trial instead of being beaten and then executed on the spot. This guy had a right to protest. However, a physical attack on any leader, even in a free country, is going to have consequences. In my opinion, this assault on the president is the just about the same as an assassination attempt. Personally, I would have thrown a shoe with him (or sandal – it’s hot in FL), but I'd be expecting to be put on trial and serve some jail time. A democratic government still has to have laws and punishment for those that break them. Freedom is not to be confused with Anarchy.