Wednesday, May 13, 2009

doughnuts with dad

Today I had to make the decision to go to the last day of District Council meeting or "doughnuts with dad." I enjoy District Council and the opportunity to see friends and be a part of the meetings, but this morning I chose to be with my boy Kross at his school. To him, this is a BIG deal. In fact, still talks about last year when we went. When I think about going to another meeting, of which I will be doing for the rest of my life OR never getting to back to go to my sons Preschool/dad's day, I'm choosing to enjoy the moment with my boy! After today, that moment is now gone FOREVER and I made the right choice.

Funny, I got a text later that said I was voted in at the District Council meeting, as the "Executive Presbytery, Lead Pastor, 40 & Under. HA...I have no clue what that means, but I guess I didn't have a choice because I wasn't there. Actually, I'm excited to serve my district and honored at their confidence in me.

1 comment:

Dave Kidd said...

Great Priorities MAN!

Don't sacrifice the urgent while doing the important!