Thursday, June 27, 2013

leadership porn

I heard Scott Hagen talk on leadership porn a while back.  Leadership porn is where we go to a conference or read a book about another leader and hear all the amazing stuff that they are doing.  Basically, we are comparing their highlight reel with our everyday life.  This comparison strips us of hope and faith or causes us to lust after what they have.  The truth is, those leaders have had some very ugly days as well and we are only seeing a photo-shopped version of their story.  Have you been looking at Leadership Porn?


Crystal Lowe said...

Good word Pastor , I gave up comparisons it just takes all the joy out of serving God. I can only work on being better at being myself. Trust me that is enough for any of us. Blessings to you all, at C3

Anonymous said...

Boom! Thank for sharing!

Be Great!
