Thursday, April 9, 2009

the real story

Tuesday, I was at my parents in Canton with my family, when this incident occured. My mom had just bought a glass top stove about a year ago. On Monday night, a big glass jar on top of the fridge falls off and shatters the whole top of the stove and damages one of the burners. It cost just as much to replace as to buy they bought another one. My dad and I load the new stove (same model) in the back of his truck and are in transit back to their house. While driving down the highway, the wind catches it and slings it to the back and looks like it's going over the tailgate. I yell, and my dad hits his brakes, just in time to keep in in the truck, but it lands on it's front and shatters the door glass and brakes the handle. (We can both now feel the wrath of my mom who is already devasted the first one was broke) We get back home before my mom and Keri, who went shopping. Then after some nifty problem solving, we switched out parts from the old one to the new one, and pulled off a perfect no scratch/shattered/dented stove! Thank-you Jesus! Mom of course still found out, but we minimized the damage.


Dave Kidd said...

Two Words... Tie Straps! Listening to your Dad tell the story at the office yesterday was funny though... ha!

Konan Stephens said...

Dave, I didn't throw my dad under the bus with my mom.....but I did suggest that we tie it down and he said....ah.. it ain't going anywhere.
