Wednesday, December 21, 2011

what are you?

Are you an encourager or a discourager? Does your life instill hope or hopelessness in others? Do you build people up or tear them down?
To discourage someone is easy: Do nothing. Say nothing. Be negative. Encouraging on the other hand takes some work. I learned the power of encouragement from my Father. People like to be around my dad for the simple fact that he makes them feel better about themselves. He is a Pastor, so on a weekly basis people at his church line up to shake his hand, receive a hug or just a kind word following each service. Many will wait for 20+ minutes for this opportunity because it is that important to them.
How do you know if you are an encourager or a discourager?
- Do people gravitate to you?
- Are you intentionally looking for ways to build others up?
- Do others smile often around you?

Be an encourager this week?

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