Monday, May 21, 2012

take it all in

I have a philosophy in life, that I want to get to the end of my life having used every bit of energy, gifting, finances, and love to enjoy this life to the fullest. I want to live as close to "red lining" as possible to take it all in and enjoy everything that God has given me. Yesterday, I was up early, preached 3 services, grabbed a quick lunch, ran a 5k race near the church, crossed the line and jogged to the church, showered, straight into a missions meeting and then off to a Pentecost Rally, prayed at the altar for people and then headed home. I was exhausted, but I felt I took in everything that I possibly could. I guess my point is, let's make the most of everyday and every opportunity. Wherever you there...all there and in doing so, enjoy the richness of life.

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