Saturday, June 6, 2009


I'm watching my oldest son play a baseball game (no wife..this is an important detail) while trying to keep my eye on my other son and little girl as they play. That's when my little girl runs over to me and says "Daddy, look at my rock!" She opens her hand and their in her little palm lies a hardened weathered piece of dog poop! I just started laughing as I told her what it was. Her face went from total joy to disgust in a split second. So not having any bathrooms or Purell, I told her to do what any other dad would tell her to do, "just wipe your hand on the grass!" She did and went right back to playing. Man, I love having kids!


Konan Stephens said...

Um....that's disgusting!!! We have purell liquid & wipes in the van....ALWAYS! Gross!

Konan Stephens said...

That last comment was from Keri (the wife that wasn't there)...I didn't know Konan was logged in at the time.