Wednesday, August 28, 2013



It all starts with today.  What can you implement in your life today that will make a difference in your life in the years to come?  Changing something only minor today, could result in major changes down the road.  What do you need to start today?

Thursday, August 22, 2013


A lie believed as truth, will affect you as if it were true.  It's crazy to think how we all have been affected by lies that we have lived out in our lives.  These lies cage us and keep us prisoner from God's truth and freedom.  They are not real walls or chains, rather they are a mirage, but they keep us at bay all the same.  It's through the light of Christ that we see these lies as just that, nothing more that words, emotions and spiritual bondage.  But...when we know the TRUTH (and His name is Jesus)...the Truth will set us FREE!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

decisions compound

Every decision we make, compounds.  It's like money.  When we owe money, the interest can snowball on us, as it compounds.  On the flip-side, if we are gaining interest in the bank, it can accumulate FOR us.  It's the same way with decisions both good and bad.  Every decision is taking us in a certain direction.  Where are your decisions taking you?

Friday, August 16, 2013


If our lives are a culmination of our choices and experiences, why not plan out some shaping experiences?  What experiences could you begin planning now that would have huge potential to shape you and those that are close to you?  Perhaps, it's a right of passage for your children or a spiritual sabbatical for yourself or something unique to you.  Whatever the case, I hope you give it some thought.  Personally, I'm always thinking.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I hate losing!  Last night, we lost the championship softball game for the mens church league in Pickerington.  Did I mention I hate losing?  But there are lessons in life in both winning and losing.  Losing can build character or it can crush us.  If we are under it, it will crush us, but if we stand on top of it, it makes us bigger.  Losing is also the great revealer.  It reveals things in our hearts and attitudes that we don't always see when we win.  We have to be a good winner and a good loser.  Are you a good loser?

Monday, August 12, 2013

City Reach

This Sunday was truly amazing as we commissioned another church plant out of C3.  Pastors Bruce and Ana Folwell and some amazing C3 family are stepping out to plant City Reach Church in Brice in the Independence HS.  They have done a ton of work investing in people in the community with block party's, give-aways and outreaches.  City Reach has worked very hard in canvassing the neighborhoods and September 15th will have their grand opening.  We are praying and believing for incredible things!

Friday, August 9, 2013

General Council

I had a great time connecting and reconnecting with friends at the General Council of Assemblies of God in Orlando this week.  I love connecting with people of vision.  It truly challenges me to believe God for more.  God is doing some amazing stuff throughout the world!  What God inspired dreams are you currently chasing?  Keep running.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


In the end, people are the most important!  Do we live in such a way that puts value on people?  Are we investing our best time, energy, resources and passion into people?  The only thing that lives on after our short stint in this life, is people.  Their eternities may even hang in the balance according to our actions and how we choose to live.  What is truly the most important thing to you?

Monday, August 5, 2013

not mattering

"Our fear of not mattering, pulls us away from what matters most."  Andy Stanley

We find ourselves in life, running at such a break neck pace, that we lose sight of what truly matters.  This drive is based out of fear.  It could be a fear of missing out, of not being enough, whatever the case, we allow fear to pull us into an unhealthy pace.  Then we run so fast, we neglect family, spouse, our health and most importantly...Jesus.

What is driving your life?

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hillsong Live

Went and saw Hillsong at the fair tonight!  It was so much more than just a concert, it was a worship service to JESUS.  It was amazing to see people from hundreds of different churches all worshiping together.  Truly we are all under one banner...One Name...the Name of JESUS!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

C4 Unplugged Retreat

It was incredible to get to hang out with several of the C4 pastors and spouses at the Unplugged Retreat.  It was a great time with friends and praying for each other around the campfire.  It's amazing how iron sharpens iron.  We all need time to refresh and glean from others.  Can't wait till next year.