Tuesday, April 7, 2009


For Easter we are doing a message called "mulligan." It's about how Christ gives us "do-over's." That's His incredible mercy and grace. I will use the story of Peter. He started on a boat, then met Christ, walked with Him and then betrayed Him. 3-4 years later, Peter is down and out and Christ finds and calls him again......on a boat! Just like a mulligan.....a do-over!
I hope to hit a few plastic golf balls in the crowd and send everybody home with a golf ball as a token. I still have some work to do on my message, but that is the general direction.


Dave Kidd said...

That's cool. Exciting things, well, "Greater Things" happening down there in Pickerington!

Pastor Joe said...

That's right. Practice that swing before May. You may want to rope off the first few rows, I've seen that "Tigeresque" swing of yours.

Konan Stephens said...

ha...Joe, Gary and I need you to carry us again in the district council scramble! You are our ringer!