Friday, April 3, 2009

my cinderella

There is a song out that says "I will dance with my Cinderella, while she's still in my arms...." That song rips me up every time, because I have a Cinderella. Little Kalvarie (Kali) is the apple of her daddy's eye. She has told me on numerous occasions that she will always be "my girl." I don't want to miss out on any part of her growing up, but rather enjoy every minute of it. This was one of our many dances together in the kitchen. When she plays with her little princess figurines, she still thinks the "prince" one, is her daddy. I will make sure it remains that way until she is at least 30! I probably tell her too much that I love her and how pretty she is. So when some boy tells her that.....she'll say "you gotta do better than that, my daddy tells me that everyday!" I have seen too many little girls search for "love" or what they think is love from boys or other men because they didn't feel that love from their father. I will do my best to let my Cinderella know she is loved and protected by her daddy. OK....I'm tearing up...this post is

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