Saturday, March 22, 2008


Today, the family and I are doing nothing. (Well accept for the early morning 5k race I ran....and won my age group!) Anyway, my kids almost don't know what to do with themselves when they are not on the go. They will ask, where are we going? When we say nowhere, we get this strange look. Last Sunday, I talked about taking a Sabbath, I shared from my own life how I am a recovering "workaholic" addict, that is still in recovery. It seems that our culture seems to wear busyness as a badge of honor, but in reality, "busyness" robs us of life. So in my life, I'm trying my best to find balance. Are you busy or productive.


Dave Kidd said...

Happy Nothing Day

Uh-oh, I just read that Batterson did 20,000 eggs for their eggtravaganza, or however you spell it.

Game on???

Konan Stephens said...

ha....although they did 2 locations.....10,000 per

batterson ain't go nothing on us! lol