Thursday, March 13, 2008


It seems to me that God gets blamed for a lot. He is the scapegoat for anything we can't pin on a person AND the things that other people have done. When people will tell me "I've been hurt by the church," I always ask, what's their names? The "church" didn't hurt you, people in that church hurt you. Or perhaps something horrible happened to them in their past and they say, "Why would God allow this to happen?" Really, if God would of had His way, everything would still be perfect and we'd be living in the Garden of Eden. God did give us "free will." Talk about risky, allowing your creation to make the choice whether or not to serve you. Of course, man then took the wrong path and sin entered the world. So I guess if we want to blame anyone, we should probably blame ourselves. Life is life and many times it is not fair. So when life throws you a lemon, quit trying to pin blame, and make some lemonade.

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