Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Some day when I stand before God, I'm sure I won't be on the top of the list for those who were the best preachers, prays the most (although I do daily), the most talented, the greatest leader, but I do want to be one of His most grateful kids. It is one of my life goals to be grateful for everything He has given me. I deserve NOTHING and anything I am blessed with.....God gets the glory. I give Him praise in the little things and the big and when I do, He keeps dishing it out. So I not only want to give thanks on Thanksgiving where we are supposed to take time to give thanks, but everyday of the year. I know when my kids are grateful for the tootsie roll I had to split 3 ways, it makes me as a dad want to give them more. This is not my motivation with God, but I have found that the byproduct of being grateful to God is His FAVOR! So, what are you grateful for? How about thanking Him a little more often.

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