Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Yesterday, Keri and I opened Kadens notebook from school (1st grade) and looked at a picture he drew about a rule in class. I was glad to see that he tried to write "be quiet", which is the one he struggles with the most. The picture he drew was quite the opposite. To the teacher it looked like a couple of stick men and a fat distorted guy with a tail. I, realizing that since my boys and I have been shooting my bow and arrows in the backyard at a deer like target, saw something else. That fat distorted guy with a tail was actually a deer with an arrow sticking out of it. The two other stick guys are my Kaden and Daddy with a bald head. Keri and I laughed out loud and was just thankful he couldn't find a RED crayon......Don't worry, I will talk to him.

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