Thursday, February 26, 2009


Every week we get a letter with $20 that says. "for C3 Church." There is never a return address or anyway to track it. This has gone on for probably more than a year. Today in the envelope there is a letter inside, still not signed, but at least a note. This person said they were in the drive-thru of Taco Bell behind a car with our C3 sticker on it. When the mystery person pulled up to the window to pay, they found out that a C3'er had paid for theirs as well. The attendant said it was payed for and that our person said to tell them "God Bless." The anonymous person was so touched that they payed for the person behind them, with the same instructions, to say "God Bless."
It's amazing how one act of random kindness can create a chain reaction. (yeah...I'm a proud pastor right about now)

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