Saturday, July 12, 2008


Today was the day of our big, free, community event called "Summer Extreme." Our church body never ceases to amaze me. We have some amazing people that truly make the difference. Anyway, the anchor big events today were the free hot air balloon rides and the big inflatables. But as life would have it, it was too windy for the hot air balloon rides and for some reason the inflatable company was over an hour late. The only 2 things we had no control over, did not come through. In other words, we were delivered lemons. So what do you do? Make lemonade! Our C3'ers kept positive and it all worked out in the end. The inflatables did finally show and we had a good event. This is all part of life. If we allow our circumstances to decide our emotions and our outlook on life, it could be pretty miserable. On the other hand, if our joy is based on our relationship with Jesus Christ, we can make the best of any situation. So when life throws you a lemon, make lemonade!

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