Monday, February 18, 2008

reading Core Values

Just read "Core Values" from George Wood our new A/G leader. He had some great things to say and it was good to hear his heart. He made a couple comments I really liked. One was, "If a church will do things right when they are small, they will experience healthy growth." This is so true. Whatever we do, we must do it with excellence. We are currently trying to set up our structure like we are a church of 1,000. We are no where near that yet, but we want to get ready for what God continues to do. Another line from his book was similar, when he said he could almost tell the spiritual health of the church by the condition of the men's bathroom and the pastors library. Wow, how true is that? The men's restroom is usually the last room in the church to get any attention. The pastors library is proof of his growth and hunger for learning. I appreciate his insights and wisdom shared in the book and enjoyed hearing our new leaders heart and passion.

1 comment:

Dave Kidd said...

Last fall, John W gave me a 3 CD set of Dr. Wood's messages from the Forum. I was reminded of these as I read the book.

Something that struck me is the relationship between the condition of our church building/grounds and the way people will expect to be treated at our church.

Great Post!