Tuesday, June 5, 2007

0 for 4

I'm playing softball again for the first time in 6 years. As the state youth director I had to give it up softball because of the crazy demand and traveling schedule. I love to compete and used to play in several leagues.....but you probably couldn't tell watching me last night. I did not get a hit the whole night. I go home a little bummed and my 3 year old pees in his "big boy" underwear. I got on to him and was probably a little harder on him than I should have been. That is when God started speaking to me about, "what if He (GOD) were as hard on me, as I was on my boy Kross?" What if every time I messed up (like going 0 for 4), He disciplined me. It was an accident and we all have them. So I had to go to my boy and make things right.....and ask forgiveness from God. I am very glad that God is so much of a better father than me. But I do appreciate that He spoke to me about it....and that my ears were in tune to listen. I think the key to growing in this life, is to learn from every thing you can.......even going 0 for 4.


Unknown said...

no one will remember that you went 0 for 4 except you.

Konan Stephens said...

thanks gary....but you remembered!